NAPA 2016-2018 Executive Committee

Lila B. Karki
- Currently working at College of Agriculture, Environment, and Nutrition Science, Cooperative Extension, Tuskegee University, Alabama,
- PhD (Agricultural Economics) Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany (2004).
Research focus: Socio-economics, sustainable development, impact assessment, rural economy, financial education and planning, innovation for agriculture education and training, food security and poverty alleviation.
Vice President
Megha N. Parajulee
- Currently, Regents Professor, Faculty Fellow, and Cotton Entomology Program Leader at Texas A&M University Research Center, Lubbock, Texas.
- M.S. (1991) and Ph.D. (1994) in Entomology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin.
- Assistant Lecturer (1987-1990), Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Chitwan, Nepal.
- B.Sc. in Agricultural Economics (1983-1986), Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, India.
Research focus: Developing ecologically intensive arthropod management in Texas cotton; cropping systems management.
General Secretary
Prem Bhandari
- Currently at Population Studies Center, University of Michigan.
- PhD in Rural Sociology and Demography from the Pennsylvania State (Penn State) University, Pennsylvania (2006).
- MS in Rural Development Planning from the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand (1993).
- B.Sc. in Ag. Economics from the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS), Tribhuvan University, Nepal (1986).
Research focus: Social science research methods, rural social change, sociology of agriculture, and socio-economic and cultural determinants of demographic outcomes such as migration, fertility, and population health in agrarian settings of developing countries. Also focuses on population and environment relationships.
Joint Secretary
Pradeep Wagle
- Currently working as Research Ecologist at USDA-ARS Grazinglands Research Laboratory, El Reno, Oklahoma.
- PhD in Crop Science from Oklahoma State University (2013).
- MS in Horticulture from Oklahoma State University (2010).
- B.Sc. in Agriculture from the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS), Tribhuvan University, Nepal (2004).
Research focus: Earth surface-atmosphere interaction, greenhouse gas measurements using eddy flux towers and chambers, modeling of fluxes, remote sensing, climate change and ecology/ecosystems.
Ambika Tiwari
- Currently working at Mississippi State University.
- MS in Agricultural Science from Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, Florida (2013).
- B.Sc. in Agriculture from the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS), Tribhuvan University, Nepal (1990).
Durga D. Poudel
- Ph. D., Soil Science, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA. 1994-1998.
- M. Sc., Natural Resource Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. 1990-1991.
- B. Sc. Hons. Agriculture, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. 1983-1987.
- I. Sc. Two-year Certificate (Agriculture), IAAS, Rampur, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. 1978-1980.
- High School, Nirmal Vocational High School, Damauli, Tanahu, Nepal. 1975-1977.
Research focus.Water Quality Monitoring and Modeling, Water Sustainability and Climate Change, Climate Change Adaptation, Geohazards, Environmental Soil Chemistry, and Louisiana Native Wildflower.
Dilip Panthee
- Currently working as a tomato breeder at NC State University.
- PhD. in Plant Breeding and Genetics from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
- MPhil in Plant Breeding and Crop Improvement from the University of Birmingham and Reading, UK.
- BSc. Ag. (Plant Breeding) from the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS), Tribhuvan University, Nepal (1990).
Research focus. Improving tomato for disease resistance, fruit quality and stress tolerance.
Lekha Nath Paudel
- Currently working at Delaware State University, Dover, Delaware.
- PhD in Plant & Soil Science, Alabama A&M University (2009).
- MS in Agribusiness, Alabama A&M University (2004).
- BS Computer Information System , Strayer University, Maryland (2002).
- BSc in Agriculture Science, Institute of Agriculture & Animal Sciences, Tribhuvan University (1990).
Research focus: Organic specialty crop production; Sustainable weed management; Demand forecasting; Marketing; Socioeconomic analysis
Outreach interest: Business plan; Farm bill; Alternative agriculture enterprises
Raju Pandey
9146 Owari Lane, Riverside, CA 92508.
- Currently working as an Entomologist at Citrus Research Board, California.
- BSc Ag. Punjabrao Agricultural University, Maharashtra, India (1985).
- MS, Technology of crop protection: University of Reading, Reading, UK. (1994).
- PhD, Entomology: University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI. (2002).
Research focus: Diaphorina citri is an invasive pest that can transmit citrus greening disease. My current work involves development of technology for mass production of its natural enemy called Tamarixia radiata. Tamarixia is the most effective biological control agent to suppress D. citri population
Ramesh C. Khanal
- Living in Madison, WI and working as a nutritionist with Envigo.
- PhD (2004) in nutritional sciences, Utah State University, Logan, UT.
- Moved to USA in early 2001 for doctoral studies and living here since. Worked in the academic sector for a long time before joining the industry.
Interest. Enjoys reading literature, scriptures, and occasionally writing poems as well as traveling. Loves the wonderful mountains, snowcapped Himalayas and free flowing rivers of Nepal that make her such a beautiful country.
Surendra Osti
- Ph.D. Student at Louisiana State University, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
- MS in Plant Health (2014) from Louisiana State University, USA
- B.Sc. in Agriculture (2010) from Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Research focus: Survey designing, data management, impact of policy change on the seasonal workers of the United States, technology adaptation on the production of different agricultural commodities.